Prolific 旺玖科技为一家全球知名的IC设计领导厂商,专注于USB智能型输出入控制芯片、机电整合技术及智慧绿色能源解决方案。Prolific 旺玖科技提供的芯片系统整合解决方案,包含USB 接口桥接芯片、USB储存产品、无刷马达控制器、霍尔原件传感器、智能电表及微机电传感器相关产品。Prolific 旺玖科技成立于1997年11月,公司总部设于台湾,并于中国大陆、美国、日本、韩国等地区设有销售服务据点。
SIO (Smart-IO)
Prolific 旺玖在成立之初,即认为高速传输技术将成为新一代人机接口之主流,因此前瞻地投入此高速传输标准之研发,开发USB/IEEE1394与各种传输接口及周边装置之传输控制芯片。所发展之全方位USB解决方案包含三大领域,即周边装置控制、储存装置接口控制及信息传输接口控制。不仅强调产品之特色、创新及弹性化架构,使下游系统厂商在产品应用上享有最高之效能与价值,更有多项USB产品在全球市场位居领导地位。一系列完整的USB产品应用将可协助客户创造出差异化及产品利基,以提供更具有竞争优势的产品。
Power IoT
近年来受到温室效应的影响,全球气候变迁异常,在各国不断地倡导节能减炭的同时,智能电网已被各国列为未来发展的重要项目之一。而推动智能电网最重要的一个目标则是提升产业和民生家用的供电质量。随着家庭用户生活水平的提升,对电力的需求及应用也相对增加及多元化。Prolific 旺玖科技的智慧绿色能源解决方案以家庭用电量为出发点,不仅提供家庭用电量的量测,更进一步达到监控家中电器设备的能源消耗量及智能型能源管理的解决方案。未来,Prolific 旺玖科技的智慧绿色能源部门将不断的研发创新出更多的解决方案以满足市场及客户的需求。
FxH (Fan & Hall)
在数字模拟混合IC领域,Prolific 旺玖科技针对不同应用推出了一系列的霍尔传感器芯片,其应用领域包涵了直流无刷马达、家电产品、信息应用等产品。Prolific 旺玖科技更进一步将霍尔感应技术及驱动器整合为一个整合性的散热风扇芯片,以呼应对电子产品薄型化、智能化的要求。我们的风扇驱动芯片产品具有低启动电压、高驱动电流以及高度可靠的稳定性等优点。
Prolific Technology Inc. is a leading IC design house company and ASIC design service provider for USB Smart I/O, Intelligent Green Energy Saving, and Mixed-Mode Hall Sensor solutions. The company is one of the market leaders and pioneer in providing IC and SOC solutions for USB Serial/Parallel converters, USB Storage products, Brushless Motor driver, Hall sensors, Power Meters, and MEMS Motion Sensing products. The company is founded in 1997 and is headquartered in Taiwan with sales regions in Mainland China, Japan, Korea, Canada, and the United States. The company is listed on the Taiwan OTC Exchange or GreTai Securities Market (GTSM) under the code 6233.TWO.
Prolific was founded in 1997 with a vision that USB would be the standard mainstream I/O interface for the new generation PC and Peripherals. Since then, the Company has strived for research and development of various high-performance USB/IEEE1394 interface controllers that identified Prolific as a Total USB Solution Provider. Prolific is one of the market leaders in USB bridge controllers with over 200 million units sold already. Currently, Prolific provides USB Full-Speed, High-Speed and Super-Speed total solutions for three product categories: Serial/Parallel, Storage and Connectivity.
Power IoT
Intelligent Green Energy (IGE) is an advancing product division of Prolific with smart grid solutions at its heart. Prolific’s approach starts with the smallest unit of the smart grid - “HOME”. The home is the last link in the smart grid consumption chain. The home is where devices are plugged in, power is consumed, and revenue for the entire chain is generated. A lot sits on the smallest unit. While a significant proportion of the industry is focused on finding solutions for green generation and smart transmission and distribution of power (all supply side management), Prolific focuses at providing tools to measure and control the consumption of power at a device level or at home as a unit level. And things that can be measured can be managed, and well managed consumption is at the heart of smart demand side management. Prolific-IGE makes this side of the equation possible. With ICs that go into smart plugs, strips and meters, IGE solutions provide enhanced and accurate measurement. IGE innovation drives many tamper-proof solutions to meet various specific market needs and advance consumer needs.
FxH(Fan & Hall)
Mixed-mode technology integrates analog and digital circuits into a single IC solution. It combines features from both technology and provides high stability and easy control. Prolific offers a wide range of MEMS (micro-electro-mechanical systems) products utilizing Mixed-Mode techniques. Products include magnetic sensors, Hall effect sensors, motion recognition, motion sensing, bio-sensing, and others. Prolific also integrates high-sensitivity Hall sensor and driver IC in developing new-generation high-efficiency Smart Fan Driver IC with powerful features and high reliability.
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